This is a big one. And it’s long overdue. But it’s finally here!

In keeping with our tradition of making a game for the community, this update contains some of our all-time most requested features, all geared toward unlocking the game’s full creative potential.

Creative Worlds — A new kind of world where you can fly, hover, and get an infinite supply of every item in the game.

Paintable Blocks — You can now customize the color of any block or item and create swatches to quickly change the look of your builds.

Creative Camera — A full suite of filters and visual tools, including a detachable drone camera for getting epic shots of your builds.

Another popular request has come from players near and dear to our heart: Creativerse Pro members. They’ve repeatedly asked us to add more features to the Pro version. In this update we are increasing the value of Pro in two ways: 1) While anyone can join a Creative World, only Pro members can create and customize them. 2) Pro members now get discounts on everything in the store. In fact, many of the premium recipe blocks are currently FREE for Pro members.

The future is bright for Creativerse. This update is just the start. We have exciting plans and a ton of content in the pipeline. Thank you for being on this journey with us!

<3 The Playful Team

New Features and Content

Creative Worlds

Unlimited items! The sky is literally the limit

Hover Ability! Double tap the jump button to toggle hover mode

Flat worlds! At world creation, choose “Flat Grass” or “Flat Sand” in the template drop down for a blank canvas experience

Turn on Creator Mode while in a Creative World by pressing “ESC” and selecting “Enable Creator Mode” just above Game Settings (and repeat the process to toggle back to “adventure” mode)

While in Creator Mode…

Your inventory and “adventure” quickbar are replaced by an all-item selection menu and a “creative” quickbar

You cannot equip a weapon; however mobs will ignore you regardless of world settings

Toggle back to “adventure” mode to do things like moving your touchstone or attacking mobs

World owners can decide whether to grant Creator Mode to all players, specific players, or tie its access to a permissions level (e.g. admins only)

Creating and customizing Creative Worlds is an exclusive Creativerse Pro feature

Not a Pro member? You can still access the Creator Mode features by playing in someone else’s Creative World

Paintable Blocks

Change the color of every block and item that can be placed in the world, including lights and even smoke

Build customized swatches, with the option to designate a primary and secondary color (press “.” to open swatch builder)

Add your swatches to a paint quickbar to quickly switch between colors while playing (hold “Ctrl” to open quickbar)

With a swatch selected, blocks will be painted as you place them; or you can hold “Ctrl” and left mouse click to paint already placed or found blocks

Blueprint capture blocks will retain your custom paint settings

Creative Camera

Capture epic screenshots with new visual tools and filters (press “~” to toggle)
Color settings (brightness, contrast, saturation)

Fog control

Bloom sliders

Tilt shift

Vignette effects

And much more!

Player movement is possible in camera mode (press left “Alt” to toggle)

Detachable drone camera (press “O” while in camera mode to toggle)

Separate from your player character to get at impossible angles, clip through terrain, and channel your inner Roger Deakins

Keyframe animation! While in drone mode, toggle back to Creative Camera (press left “Alt”) to access keyframe animation buttons

New Costumes

Monkey King Costume – Full Set

Unicorn Costume – Full Set

Unicorn Sword (a cosmetic version of the elusive Rainbownator 5000)

Emperor’s Blade

All existing costumes now have helmets!

First Fantasy Helmet

Master Creator Helmet

Metal MK1 Helmet

Electro Cycle Helmet

Fury Warrior Helmet


World Management and Search Menu expanded

Post processing filters and block art retouches

Bug Fixes

Canvas Flower Icon fixed

Trailer stuttering during first world intro fixed

Friendzilla quest spawn instruction fixed

Glowing and Brown mushrooms texture changes in Planters fixed

Dustevils and Troggington can now drown (yikes). Pebbles, being crab-like animals, are immune. WEEE.

Ritzy Pigsy Hotel Couch corner misalignment fixed

Grass color is lighter throughout worlds

Player no longer floats on Halloween Spooky Bench

Block phasers deleting blocks when player walks too far away resolved

Framerate drops when returning to previously built world fixed

Excavator’s yield fixed

Trog traps’ glitches, drops, and gameplay fixed

Loud sounds from gates and trap doors fixed

A ton of under the hood bugs